3 Ways to Keep it Real with Customers (Warning: CUTE Kittens)

Worried? Stressed? Can’t sleep?

What helps?

One word:



Unless you have a deep rooted fear or life threatening allergy, kittens might just make you feel less stressed and help you turn that frown upside down.

I took a chance with a customer last week—they expressed their frustration and worry about an issue with our service that kept them up all night. The issue, while being investigated, isn’t one that can be solved over night–but it’s at least in the process (we’re doing all we can).

I kept the tone real and said, “I’m truly sorry this is causing so much stress for you. When I feel stressed, what helps me is to look at a picture of something really cute, like kittens. Kittens help! (See attached image).” I then attached that image of the kittens.

The customer replied with such happiness and even told me about the cats that they own.

Making these personal connections with customers is a topic that could be discussed for hours on end. Pictures attached to email correspondence is just one way for us in a call center environment to connect with our clients.

A Few Fun Ways to Keep it Real With Your Customers

keep-it-real-icon-001A Video Hello: Send over a free Vsnap video message to meet the customer that may otherwise only hear your voice. Be sure to smile real big now, ya hear?

Handwritten Notes: Get creative and draw, paint, decorate with stickers, crayons, markers or whatever else you can find–and snail mail messages of gratitude…or just a quick hello…to your customers.

Photo Attachments: Use Google to find images to express the funny/encouraging/motivating/gratitude messages you wish to convey to your customer. Again, be creative–and remember, kittens do wonders!

What else would you add? I’d love to hear the creative ways you keep it real with your customers.


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