Learn To Be The Customer Service Advocate

name-badge-advocateThe other day, my boss Jeremy (@jtwatkin) shared words of wisdom about my role as a customer service manager and how my one biggest job is to advocate for the team.

No matter what I do, my job is to make sure they have what they need to succeed at their job.

How does one do this?

While I am still learning, every day, I am immediately brought back to a post I wrote a couple years ago titled Baahhddd Feedback that brings attention to:





In order to advocate for your team, you must use the LAMB method:

L is for Listen

When a member of your team comes to you with something to say, LISTEN. Listen to what they are telling you with patience and understanding. You may gain valuable insight into ways that you can improve their experience on the team and for your company in general. If your memory isn’t that great, take notes. Genuinely pay attention to what they have to say. They approached you for a reason.

A is for Acknowledge

Take the feedback that your team gave you and do something about it. Don’t ignore it or sweep it under the rug. Acknowledge it and if you can, seek to make changes to improve the situation, if negative, and recognize your team for being awesome, when positive feedback comes your way.

M is for Make Better

You were just given valuable information from a member of your team. You have listened to them, taken notes and fully acknowledge the individual with gratitude for sharing with you. Now, what will you do to improve things? You may not be able to solve every problem but sometimes, just the simple act of listening makes someone feel better, which in turn, resolves negativity within a situation.

B is for Boost Improvement

What can you learn from the situation with your team? What did you push for to improve their experience as employees at the company? Did you get them a raise? Did you help them with a challenging task? Whatever it was, learn from any bits and pieces of the situation that may not have worked out and use them to improve for the next time around. Boosting improvement can also include boosting morale and other sensitive areas that a team may require.

Just remember, your ultimate goal:

To make sure your team succeeds at their jobs.

And then your own success will easily fall into place.


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