Be a Sweetheart and Remember My Name

hello-my-name-is1If you know me, you know I absolutely love my Starbucks coffee!  Back in the day, I worked as a Barista for this amazing place and gained a lot of sharp customer service skills. One of my favorite parts about the job was whipping up a magical beverage, calling out a customer’s name and handing it to them with a smile. We had regular customers and I found it so much fun to see them walking up the path toward the door and having their Venti Mocha with no whipped cream already in progress. I enjoyed yelling, “Hey Joe” as he walked in the door with a big grin, anticipating his daily drink. I’d always doodle a heart or a happy face on the cup before handing it over, too!

So, maybe it’s selfish to admit, but because this was something that I saw bring joy into someone’s life, I like to have this same level of joy brought into mine. If I’m going to a place on a regular basis, spending my money on their products, it’s really nice to know that, just like in any good relationship, I’m remembered, acknowledged and appreciated for being me. I am supporting their business, after all!

When I visit the office in San Diego, I always stop in at my favorite Starbucks on Poway Road. And, what’s amazing is one of the Baristas STILL remembers who I am. It’s been a year and a half and while I visit every 4 or 5 months or so, for someone who sees a gazillion people on a regular basis to still remember me is pretty amazing. Plus, everyone else at this Starbucks is always really, really friendly, so it’s an added perk.

So dear Starbucks, will you be my Valentine?


But back to the topic at hand, I just want to really stress the importance of personalization and acknowledgement in customer service. Realistically, remembering every customer’s name is impossible but it’s still the recognition that counts. If you want to give a customer that extra mug of AWESOMENESS, be sure to treat them in such a manner. Have fun while brewing up a great product, solving a customer’s problems efficiently and they will stay loyal fans of your business forever.

Oh, and happy Valentine’s day to those who celebrate it! I will gladly share the special day with my hot and sweet cup of Starbucks.


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  • My experience with my local Starbucks is similar. Personal service like you describe is the best kind of service!

  • Absolutely! It’s the BEST! Now, I hope you’re enjoying a nice cup of coffee 🙂 Cheers!

  • Awesome post Jenny! I think you opened a can of worms here. I want to hear some of the funny Starbucks stories.

  • No starbucks story here (I ain’t a Coffee Drinker) But I used to have the Subway shop back home trained to where my sandwich was done before I even stepped out of my truck.

    As soon as they saw me and my little Black Toyota roll up in the lot, They would have my sandwich ready by the time I got out and walked through the door. They probably wouldn’t recognize me now since that pickup was totaled by a Minivan, and replaced with an Explorer, but I’m sure if I went back like I used to, They’d figure it out.

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