Coffee And Customer Service: Rewards, Recognition And Al Hopper

In today’s Coffee and Customer Service Hangout we had the distinct pleasure of talking with our good friend and customer service expert, Al Hopper.  In this hangout we had a wonderful discussion on rewarding and recognizing our customer service teams and recapped our week of blogging about this topic.  Also during the hangout we talked a bit about Al’s Blog.  If you like movies and you like customer service, you will LOVE his blog.  Click here to check it out.


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  • Love the movie angle! My company name is derived from a movie.

    • Is it really? Now I want to know which movie.
      PS. Don’t watch the hangout. We may have mentioned you a few times 🙂 All good stuff.

      • Thanks for the shout outs! I’m looking forward to meeting Al someday (we’ve connected via email and Twitter). All good stuff.

        The movie in question is a closely guarded secret. However, I can give you a hint. It has something to do with the initials of my company name.

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