Monday Motivation: Finishing Strong…Well Sort Of

runningshoesIn a foot race, regardless of the distance and regardless of how you’ve performed throughout, there comes the time when you hear the crowd noise building and you see other racers picking up speed.  The finish line is approaching and you feel compelled to pick up your pace as well.  As you run through the crowded streets you forget about your aches and pains and fix your eyes on your goal.  Nothing can stop you now and the feeling of crossing can only be described as pure exhilaration.

My positivity challenge from two weeks ago is a lot like that.  I challenged you daily for three weeks to think about 3 things you’re grateful for, 1 positive experience in the last 24 hours, perform a random active of kindness, exercise and meditate.  With one week left, how have you done so far?  In all honesty, I’ve been a bit hit and miss.  Some days it’s easier to grab my smartphone when I wake up in the morning rather than doing this exercise.  Other days I am derailed by a negative thought that probably shouldn’t bother me.  Regardless of where you are at, we have one week left and it’s time to give it all we’ve got.

The finish line is actually a pseudo finish line.  We’re not talking about a sprint here that can be completed in three weeks.  This is life we’re talking about.  Building this habit of positivity is just that — a habit that needs to be sustained for a lifetime.

So what is the real finish line you ask?  I’m still figuring out what that looks like.  Grateful and kind are certainly words I want said about me at my funeral one day in the not so near future.  The journey begins now by learning to be grateful every day and finding ways to routinely be kind to others?  If you’re in, lace up your running shoes and lets get moving!


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One comment

  • Daily acts if kindness and positive thoughts about things in am grateful for I’ve hit a Homerun. I wish I was better about meditation and working out. I’m going to keep improving everyday. Thanks for the reminder.

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