Manager: Don’t Require Your Staff To Do That Which You’re Not Willing To Do
I wrote a post a while ago about multitasking. In that post I mentioned a particular time when I asked our customer service representatives to answer chats and phone calls at the same time. It seemed like a simple request. Heck, I can do chat and I can answer phone calls so what’s stopping me from doing them simultaneously?
I decided to give it a shot for myself and quickly realized that it’s a lot harder than it looks. I inevitably recited my chat answers to the person I was speaking with on the phone and vice versa. On another occasion I got wrapped up in the phone conversation, resulting in significant delays on the chat.
What a frustrating experience! It’s so easy for us management types to say things like “It’s so easy” or “Anyone can do that” or “Multitasking is a must.” In the case of this manager, those were my famous last words. After trying it for myself, I quickly realized that my expectations were unreasonable. Here’s a simple rule of thumb for managers:
Don’t require your staff to do that which you’re not willing to do
Not only will you gain a good understanding of how reasonable your expectations are, but you will gain the respect and admiration of your team as a boss who truly seeks to understand before being understood. (Thank you Stephen Covey)
So true…if you are not will to DO it, don’t you dare ASSIGN it. Thanks Jeremy! Concise and to the point post. xo