Now For The Good #Feedback
I get the privilege of talking about the good feedback during this wonderful feedback week. I thought I was clearly at the advantage sticking Jenny with the bad feedback but somehow she managed to turn it into “Bahhddd Feedback” and really knock that post out of the park. I hope you take the time to read about that and learn about L.A.M.B.
Anyway, so I want to talk about how to best handle good feedback and while I agree that ALL feedback is important good feedback is like a pat on the back, breath of fresh air or spring in the desert letting you know you did something right! It’s not so secretly my favorite. Here’s what I recommend when you receive good feedback:
1. Thank The Customer first and foremost for submitting the feedback. Last night I filled out a survey and the thank you page on the survey said something to the effect of “Thank you so much for giving the gift of your time.” Remember that time is valuable so when a customer voluntarily gives of their time, please show your gratitude.
2. Celebrate the achievement. You’ve heard the old principle that for everything critical you say of someone you should say 10 encouraging things. This is a terrific opportunity. Your employee did something right and by celebrating the achievement you are showing you care but also reinforcing good behavior.
3. Be Creative. I have a bold confession. I am a creature of habit. Right now, when I get a good piece of feedback, I compile it into a weekly newsletter for our entire staff to read along with some encouraging note from me. Great idea huh? I can guarantee you that if that’s all we do to commemorate good feedback, it’s going to get stale, the newsletter will get treated as spam and the celebration will die. I can see a book idea here. I think we’ll call it “101 Creative Ways to Celebrate Good Feedback.”
We need your help. We want our feedback celebrations to always be creative. If you have an off the wall idea, we want to hear it. This week, you can tweet with hashtag #CBFB and the most creative idea gets a Starbucks card. Are you up for the challenge?
This article is so dang fresh I can smell the spring air! I really dig the “Communicate Better Report”, filled to the brim with great feedback we get. I want to share it with everyone! These words of the customer are such great reminders that we are doing a fantastic job. These people that write in are all affected by the service we give. We’re making the world a teeny bit happier and that’s pretty dang awesome!
Thanking, celebrating and being creative is what we’re doing and we’re doing it well. We have so much to learn and wow, that book is something definitely in the works 🙂 Let’s trademark that now, shall we?!