Coffee And Customer Service: The Main Thing
In this Coffee and Customer Service Hangout, we introduced a new format to help us focus a bit more on the main thing. Jenny shared about the importance of taking your lunch breaks and encouraging your customer service team to take theirs away from their desk as well. Check out her awesome share for the hangout:
Lunch breaks are not for losers. ~@jennysuedempsey #TAKEYOURLUNCH
— Communicate Better (@commbetterblog) April 10, 2015
Jeremy talked about the importance of figuring out what our main things are and keeping our eyes focused on those things. Here’s his awesome share for the week:
Are the things I’m doing helping me achieve my main things or am I stopped at a green light staring at my phone? ~@jtwatkin #7habits — Communicate Better (@commbetterblog) April 10, 2015
Don’t miss this week’s hangout and please let us know what you think about the new format!
If it’s easier for you to listen to our hangout as a Podcast, you can subscribe to our feed in iTunes to download this episode.
I hope to see pictures of the chill room! I wrote a post about that trend a few months ago: