Flaunt That BIG Personality!

hamitupLast Sunday I completed the America’s Finest City Half Marathon.  It’s a beautiful San Diego race from Cabrillo National Monument, along the harbor, and ending in Balboa Park.  All participants are required to park at Balboa Park before 6am and take a bus to the starting line.

Due to the early hour and perhaps the nerves of the impending race, the bus ride is generally very quiet–that is until Pam the Ham came along.  Pam was our bus driver on Sunday and made it very clear that this would not be the typical, quiet bus ride.  From the get go, she used her outgoing personality to encourage passengers to enjoy their upcoming race.  Her style truly left her passengers, AKA customers, with a smile on their faces.

People with outspoken, outgoing personalities are truly at an advantage in customer service.  I’m here to tell people like Pam the Ham that regardless of what anyone says, they have the gift of an outgoing personality and should absolutely use it to their advantage when working with customers and coworkers.

Customer service professionals come in as many different shapes and sizes as the people they serve — and each must use their unique strengths and abilities in order to thrive.  That’s just a fact.  For those of you who have BIG personalities, you have a gift.  Flaunt it!


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  • Bus drivers, DJ’s, fast food staff…anyone that is in a position to win over customers in a big way should absolutely work it…just as important to being outgoing, they need to know when to go low, and stay reserved. Read your customer, understand how they are feeling and mirror their style. It’s great to be BIG but it’s essential to know when to be small too. Great post Jeremy.

    • Doug, I have a feeling this is born out of personal experience and we’re going to learn about your big personality tomorrow on our Hangout?!?!

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