Monday Thought: Wag More, Bark Less

wagmoreovals20093x5It’s Sunday evening and I’m approaching Monday intent on making this a great week.  I am focused on being a highly effective person.  Just to show you how serious I am about this, I made Blueberry Quinoa Muffins so we have a healthy breakfast to go with our great Monday.

Now that you know I mean business, let’s start a week in customer service on the right foot as well.  I’m not sure if you’ve seen this bumper sticker but every time I read it I smile.  I am a proud parent of two chocolate labs and can’t help but think about the unconditional friendship these filthy, neglected dogs show me.  What if we treat our customers, coworkers and families with way more wagging and way less barking this week?  Give it a shot, let me know how it goes and have an awesome week!


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  • Those muffins sure do look tasty. Can you ship one to me ASAP?!

    I have seen this sticker and it always makes me smile. I love how you took that and incorporated it into customer service. Bruce and Chip are two awesome pups, that’s for sure!

    The more we wag instead of barking encourages our customers to do more wagging than barking too.

    Way to start the week off right, Jeremy!

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