Thanksgivings New And Old

turkeytrotThanksgiving in my family is an important day.  It’s the day the family comes together and shares music, sports, food and rings in the Christmas season.  We weren’t all able to be together this year but thanks to the miracle of technology we all communicated in some way, shape or form.  Now all is calm as we watch “The Family Stone” and I reflect on traditions both old and new.

One of my favorite old traditions is taking the time to share what we are thankful for.  From my earliest Thanksgivings I recall this wonderful time with my family.  It’s not so much about what we were thankful for but the fact that we were thankful.  It’s something about thankfulness that brings people together.  It’s in the act of being thankful that we forget some of the meaningless stuff that doesn’t matter.

My son Zack and I got up at the crack of dawn and ran a 10K.  Well I ran and pushed him but he did run the last quarter mile or so and I couldn’t have been prouder.  The annual turkey trot is definitely something I could get used to.  As I reflect on the new traditions we create each year, I find myself grateful.  I’m grateful most of all for both family and health that gives me the opportunity to establish new traditions.  These days and this life are truly gifts I never want to take lightly.

What traditions new and old did you observe this year?  Regardless of what they are, I hope you took some time to be thankful this year.  Happy Thanksgiving!


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