The Difference Between Good And Awesome #Custserv
A colleague of mine recently shared an experience with me that perfectly illustrates the difference between good and awesome customer service. Read these two scenarios and ponder which you prefer.
Good Service
He recently had a new garage door installed. The installer properly installed the door and it worked perfectly. The door noticeably had handprints all over it. The installer let my colleague know that these could easily be washed off.
Awesome Service
He had a new garage door installed. The installer properly installed the door and it worked perfectly. The door looked perfect because the installer went the extra mile and cleaned off any dirt and handprints.
We would all prefer the awesome service, right? My colleague merely received the good service, which meant he had to chip in some of his own legwork to get the job done. My good friend Shep Hyken defines amazing customer service as being consistently above average.
In this case, cleaning the garage door is above average. Go that extra step that makes your service above average and your customers will notice the difference and tell their friends about it.
Sometimes a small touch (such as a clean garage door), can have a big impact. Little things count. Great example, Jeremy!
Thanks Shep!