3 Ways To Sharpen Your Customer Service Saw Without Reading

The book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey has left an indelible mark on my life.  One of the seven habits is Sharpen the Saw.  This concept is about investing in ourselves, and a big part of that is continuing to learn new things.

Since learning about that concept, I have made a concerted effort to fill my daily commute time with audio books and podcasts rather than sports talk radio and depressing news.  In addition, I’m working to replace my TV time with TED talks, other educational videos and of course, books.  The TV part is proving to be the bigger challenge.

Blogs and books are fantastic ways to keep your customer service and business saw sharp, but they aren’t the ONLY ways to do so.  Here are three awesome resources I’ve been turned onto recently that don’t require any reading.

1. Crack The Customer Code– Customer service and experience experts ctcc_logo_small1Adam Toporek and Jeannie Walters recently started this podcast.  Each podcast is incredibly well organized, features a variety of expert guests, and ends with my favorite part, the Heroes and Zeroes segment.  Listen to this podcast and you are sure start looking at the bigger picture of how your customers experience your company.

2. Nice Guys On Business– In this new podcast, Doug Sandler and Strickland niceguyspodcastBonner discuss a wide variety of business topics.  If you aren’t familiar with the nice guy philosophy, it will change the way you approach your customers.  Not to mention, these guys are extremely entertaining to listen to and are sure to get you smiling during your commute.


3. Shep Hyken Video Blog– Shep Hyken is one of the foremost customer Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 2.43.28 PMservice experts and certainly the most social.  I’ve been a huge fan of his blog and books for some time but he has recently taken his game to a new level on his YouTube channel.  Next time you’re looking for something to watch on TV, tune into Shep’s video blog for tons of fantastic and short customer service lessons.

What are some of your favorite customer service and business podcasts and video resources?  Let us know so we can continue to find new ways to sharpen our saws without reading.


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