Coffee And Customer Service: Talking “Service Failure” With Jeff Toister
We had a terrific hangout with Jeff Toister, president of Toister Performance Solutions and author of the book “Service Failure.” His book is packed with terrific insight about why bad customer service happens along with sound advice on how we change that.
If you missed the hangout you can view it below. There were several moments where we took notes while he talked. Thank you to those of you that attended and asked questions. It truly enriched the discussion.
For more information about Jeff, his website is and you can follow him on Twitter @toister. Jeff wrote a terrific summary of our hangout on his blog.
My question is: Even with all of the evidence and reports we see about the difference that better service makes in getting and keeping customers, 1) why do organizations still struggle in consistently delivering better service, and 2) what are some best practices for aligning people from the top level to the front lines around a customer service mission.
Follow up question: What role do you see culture playing in terms of who is hired in the organization and should culture fit alone prevent a talented person from being hired if their ability to connect with a service culture is in question?
Customer Loyalty is largely determined by perception, experience, memories and emotions. My question is, are there any ways you’ve found to track and calculate satisfaction and improvement in service outside of surveys and financial growth? I find it difficult to capture those emotions onto spreadsheets yet need to find a way to monitor service improvement in a decentralized corporation.
Curious as to how companies that utilize franchising model can ensure consistent and quality customer service. How does the umbrella organization monitor the potential impact to their brand?
I don’t have any question but interested to join you guys tomorrow.
Jeremy & Jenny – thanks for an awesome Hangout, and thanks to your readers for some fantastic questions. I’ve added a few additional links on my own blog.
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