What To Do With All This #Feedback?
With all of this talk of feedback the question still exists “What are some creative ways we can celebrate the good feedback?” I posted the question both internally and on Twitter and asked people to use hashtag #CBFB. I’m not going to lie. Most of the tweets came from Jenny and me but we had a couple other great ideas come in as well. Here’s a list of the ideas. Feel free to comment to vote on your favorite or give us more ideas. Winners will be announced on our hang out tomorrow.
@JordanKF suggested making wrapping paper or wall paper and covering everything in HR’s office.
@MardeMir suggested that we take the feedback and create a workshop where we use it as real examples for training scenarios.
@JennySueDempsey suggested:
- Make a “feedbook” and each page is a collage of pics & feedback for each rep throughout the year.
- Create a CSR landing section on our site, for all to see, with a constant roll of all the good feedback.
- For each good feedback a CSR gets, they receive 1 “FeedBuck.” Save ’em up to spend on prizes!
@JDMAA suggested making a music video similar to this Justin Bieber video singing about all of the great feedback.
From Our CSRs
- Jenny said we should use Vsnap to send fun responses to customers.
- Paul suggested using the adjectives and names in our feedback to make a cool tag cloud.
- Dorian suggested we make funny and slightly embarrassing pictures about the agent and send them out to celebrate with the team. (See the pictures for an example)
- Kevin suggested a monthly contest with a drawing and the more feedback you get the more chances you have to win.