Customer Experience: It’s The Little Details That Make A Big Difference

I’m sure you have all gathered that I have an affinity for running.  The other day I experienced a few RWRs (Revelations While Running) and want to share one in particular regarding customer experience.

In distance running, and particularly anything over an hour, it is essential to think about hydration and nutrition.  In order to stay hydrated I drink water but to get the appropriate electrolytes and calories I also consume energy gels.  ClifShot (@ClifBar) and GU (@GUEnergyLabs) are two wonderful products but in this video I’ll show you how one little difference improves my experience as a customer and gains my loyalty.


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One comment

  • I totally dig that you made a video blog! Nice headband, by the way.

    This was actually a learning post for me as I knew nothing about these gels beforehand, so thanks for expanding my mind. I am now super curious as to what they taste like!

    The little details you point out make the biggest impact and it’s amazing how often these little itty bitty things are overlooked.

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