Customer Service: Do you have what it takes?

Word on the street is that customer service is the hot spot to be! I asked my team two questions to find out what they LOVE about working in customer service and what words of wisdom would they give to others interested in the field.

Overall, I found that we’re all on the same page–with the goal of gaining knowledge, happiness and appreciation from serving others.

Thanks to the team for taking time to answer my questions!

Question: What are some of the things you LOVE about working in customer service?

Characters and Challenges

Jared: The sense of accomplishment at a Job well done, that’s my number one!
Second is some of the characters i get to talk to, (that also happens to be near the back of the list, if ya know what i mean). And, number three is the challenge of some customer’s problems. Most of the day, it’s repeat everything you’ve said and done all week long. Once in awhile a challenge arises that is completely different or is more rare.

Happiness All Around

Thomas: I (personally) like the ability to help people and make them happy.

Jeremy: Stripping everything else away I love connecting with someone who wants to learn and collaborate and the satisfaction of fixing their problem and knowing they’re happy at the end. I don’t always love the process of getting to that point but probably learn the most when it doesn’t go as scripted.

Resolution and Accomplishment

Patrick: Meeting so many diverse people and all working as a unit to accomplish the same goals.

Jack: Being able to resolve the customer’s issue, especially when they are appreciative. I also  like interacting with different types of people.

Adam: I would say that my favorite thing about customer service is the excitement and contentment in the customer when I’ve resolved their issue. Makes me feel like I’ve done my job correctly, and left a good impression on behalf of the company I’m representing at the time.


Question: If some young kid came up to you said “I want to work in customer service one day! What qualities do I need to have in order to do this job right?” What would you tell them?

Attitude and Ambition

Amber: I’d say patience, a good attitude and ambition because customer service is just the start to what kind of job you could have.


Jack: They have to have good communication skills, and definitely need patience! They have to also be able to work well with others since we definitely do not get to choose the personalities we deal with!

Thomas: Patience.

Jared: Patience, Young Patawan.


Jared: One man cannot do it alone. Always. ALWAYS have backup.

Learning and Love

Thomas: A thirst for learning and explaining. I also might tell the kid to… think again (just kidding).

Danielle: The fruits of the spirit…love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulnees, gentleness and self-control.

What would YOUR answers be? I want to know! Please share with us @commbetterblog on Twitter!


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