Appreciate the Power of Conversation

“Life is like calling a call center, you never know what you’re going to get.”

Forrest Gump was on to something, though taking a risk with chocolates is quite a bit sweeter than dialing into a call center for assistance fixing an issue.

And, when your call is picked up, knowing a real live person is on the other end to help you can make or break the experience. I’m no fortune teller, but I doubt that talking to robots will  be the key to great customer service.

We here at CBB are always on the lookout for ways that businesses deliver great customer service experiences in the media, on the road, on your feet, etc.

I love the Discover Card (@Discover) commercial that begins with a happy greeting then, “Oh, you’re real?”

It’s amazing (or sad) that most of us can relate to this experience. As the representative says in the commercial, “Some companies just don’t appreciate the power of conversation.”

Conversation is SO important! It customizes the experience tenfold for your customer, shows you’re real and that you know the customer is real. In fact, in this commercial, after having such a great, real conversation, the customer doesn’t even remember they called in for help!

While Discover has trademarked the “We treat you like you’d treat you” phrase, it is truly a great rule of thumb to live by, in and out of customer service.

So, how are you going to give your customer a real experience today?


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