Integrity Service: Book Club Discussion #2

2_0-47449500-1393688277_the-price-of-greatnessLast week, we kicked off our book club discussion of Integrity Service by Ron Willingham. We sure are getting some great insight through this valuable book. If you haven’t heard about our book club, check out our initial post by clicking here.

We’re all super busy folks and with that in mind, this book club is designed to be casual and fun with reading at your own pace. Below is what we’re doing as far as the discussion parts are concerned but feel free to read as you have time and chime in on our posts at your convenience. Here’s our outline:

Discussion 1: 4/17

  • Pursue Integrity
  • Greet Customers
  • Identify Purpose
  • Value Customers


Discussion 2: 4/24

  • Solve Problems
  • Ask How to Help Customers
  • Assume Responsibility
  • Listen to Customers

Discussion 3: 5/1

  • Practice Teamwork
  • Help Customers
  • Set Goals
  • Invite Customers Back

Here are the discussion questions based on these four chapters. Please leave your thoughts/comments/questions in the “Comments” on this post.

Discussion Question 1: Why are people who will assume total responsibility so rare? When was the last time someone helped you solve a problem and took full responsibility (can be in or out of work)? Do you feel you assume total responsibility for your actions? Why or why not?

Discussion Question 2: What are a few ways you can improve your listening skills when it comes to customers? To relationships outside of work? Do you feel you actively listen to what others have to say? Did it take you time to learn these skills? What did you do to improve your listening skills? When was the last time you were really listened to?

Discussion Question 3: What are some other parts of these chapters that got stuck in your head? Why? Are there any aspects that you’d like to take time and focus on more?

Leave your comments, questions and answers in the comments on this post and let us know any time if you would be interested in discussing further in one of our Google Plus Hangouts.


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  • Jeremy Watkin

    Here are my answers for this reading. In retrospect, this is probably my favorite section of the book.

    1. Taking on “other people’s” problems can be messy. Fixing those problems is rarely a quick fix and can require an investment of time. That is often a sacrifice given that we often have our own problems that we need to deal with, let alone those of others. In customer service, even taking on customer problems can be a stretch because perhaps our boss has given us goals or extra work that we have to do. What if you have 2 hours left to get that all done and then you get a two hour long call? It’s a difficult spot to be in.

    2. I really like this quote: “Empathetic listening is always centered on the other person, and its goal is to make the other feel uniquely understood” (p180). It’s hard for me sometimes to listen to people knowing that I probably won’t agree with what they say. Other times I may be preoccupied. Just listening to someone and truly hearing them makes them feel valued. That is something I can work on.

    3. On thing that has stuck with me from this reading is this line right from the beginning: “You’ll always be paid consistently with the size of the problems you solve. Solve small problems and you’ll receive small pay, but solve big problems and you’ll enjoy big pay.” (p99) I’m trying to find something profound to say here but I think this quote pretty much sums it up!

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