We Met Shep!

May 11th, 2015: Jeremy and I arrive at the office for work on a day that we coined “Shep Eve”. 

May 12th, 2015: Jeremy and I arrive at the office for work on a day that we coined “Shep Day”. 


If you don’t know who Shep Hyken is and you work in customer service, open a new tab on your browser and click here to learn the awesome that is Shep. NOW!

Shep Hyken’s official title is “Chief Amazement Officer”. He is a customer service expert (or guru as we like to call him), speaker and author. He writes books that are on the New York Times best seller list. He is featured in the media, including Fox Business, CBS and Huffington Post. He has 62.7k followers on Twitter. He has a podcast and a blog and Facebook page that is filled with the absolute best advice and stories about customer service.

Needless to say, he’s one busy guy. 

During a speaking event in our town of San Diego, he had an hour to spare. And, what better to do with that hour than hang out with Jeremy and I, right?

After our initial greetings (yes, I got giant hugs out of this!), we went to a quiet location with an awesome San Diego view downtown. We kept the conversation casual and asked questions about customer service (duh!), goal setting, music, sports and life in general.

DID YOU KNOW? Shep is a rock star in customer service but he’s also an actual rock star, shredding on guitar and playing gigs with some big names.

DID YOU KNOW? Shep also draws the rough draft of the cartoons in his blog posts and then gets some help from a graphic designer to put the finishing touches.

I know Jeremy was pretty star struck and I was so impressed with Shep–he radiates positivity and inspiration. It’s incredible what you set your mind to do and accomplish in life. He encourages you to always be amazing. Shep has a go getter, achiever attitude and does what needs to be done to accomplish his goals.

So of course, after our meeting and snacks (thanks again!), we of course had to take “Shep Selfies”.

Thanks again Shep for making time to meet us, sporting the awesome Phone.com shirt and for being such an inspiration.

Sign up for Shep’s customer service blog here–you won’t regret it!

And, be sure to follow Shep on Twitter and Facebook.




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  • Jenny – You are too kind. Loved meeting you and Jeremy. And, love that picture. You look great and Jeremy looks… TALL. As I mentioned in a couple of posts yesterday, I’m always amazed (in a good way) about the relationships you create with social media. Tweets and posts can turn strangers into friends, colleagues and even clients.

    Looking forward to the next time I’m in San Diego. In the meantime, STAY AMAZING!

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