8 Quick Updates/Shameless Plugs
It’s been a terrific several months since my last update. I have a few recent honors and some recommended weekend reading to share. Here’s a quick and dirty list:
ICMI Featured Contributor – I was honored to be named an ICMI Featured Contributor for 2018 alongside 15 other awesome folks. Be sure to follow our articles and check out my first for the year.
CX Accelerator – In case you haven’t seen it yet, my friend Nate Brown started a new customer experience community called CX Accelerator. Check out this article he pulled together including some terrific customer experience quotes and be sure to join the Slack community.
CustomerThink Top 10 Author – After writing a monthly column for Customer Think as an advisor in 2017, I was ranked in the top 10 authors for the year. Furthermore, I continue as an advisor for 2018. Click here to see all of my articles.
Future of Customer Experience on Lumoa – I joined 14 customer experience experience in contributing to an article on the Lumoa blog discussing the future and challenges of customer experience for 2018.
Comm100 Live Chat Benchmarking Report – I had the opportunity to comment on the latest benchmarking report by Comm100 Live Chat. Of interest to me was the fact that chatbots are able to handle 20% of chats from start to finish. I recommend downloading this report.
Super Office Customer Service Benchmark – I was included in this cool study where Super Office tested the email support of 1,000 companies. It’s interesting that only 39% of companies respond to emails with their name.
Top 50 Customer Service Expert by Nicereply – I’m honored to be included among the Top 50 Customer Service Experts. Also, they have a really cool voice of customer survey that a number of our clients at FCR use.
Who and What I’ll Be Following in 2018 – I recently had the pleasure of reconnecting with a good friend from college, Matt Cromwell. He’s a web developer, speaker, WordPress community organizer, and partner at WordImpress, LLC. I was thrilled to be included in his recent list and am also thrilled to follow him back in 2018.
I think that’s about it for now. Till next time!
Thank you Jeremy for sharing Comm100 benchmark~