Monday Motivation: Look At Something BIG
I have cares and concerns. Who doesn’t? It’s so easy to let those concerns affect our health, relationships and work. On a recent run, I was wresting with a few such concerns when I passed one of my neighbors who was doing something really odd. His car was in the driveway, running and he was just standing there watching the sunrise.
That caused me to look and the sunrise really was beautiful. Even better, there was a double rainbow in the sky. Wow! In just a couple of moments, I realized that there was something much, much bigger than my issues. Did it make the issues magically disappear? By no means. It did help me re-prioritize and remember the things that are most important in my life.
What a great reminder. By our office, we have a really steep hill. The ascent takes about fifteen minutes and on a clear day you can almost see out to the ocean twenty miles away. It’s often the perfect medicine for a difficult call with a customer. Try looking at something big this week and see if it doesn’t improve the way you see your problems.
In the meantime, I wrote a song about our famous hill and thought I’d share it with you. Enjoy!
I’m a huge fan of these reminders…almost like the universe is speaking to us saying “chill out and let me show you things are still beautiful”, even in crazy times. Thanks for sharing this post, Jeremy, and the awesome rainbow picture. AND the HILL SONG! This is my ultimate favorite!