Monday Motivation: Whose Team Are You On?
It’s so easy in the world of customer service to develop an us versus them mentality. Heck, in companies it’s just as easy to do this interdepartmentally as well as between customer service representative and customer.
As I was running the other day and thinking about this, I had a simple, yet profound thought. If we’re going to be successful working together and gaining loyal customers, it is essential to be on the same team as our customers.
My challenge to you this fine Monday is to view your customers both internally and externally as your team members. Partner with them to solve problems and meet their needs. Teammates work together, support and encourage each other and long to see the other succeed. Sure a cohesive team may have to fight through adversity but when done successfully, it has a galvanizing effect and the bond grows stronger.
This challenge is simple in word but much more difficult in deed. If you accept, the result will be much more fulfillment in your interactions with your customers and loyal customers to your company. Let’s be awesome this week!