More Fun, More Teamwork!
Have you seen the movie “The Mighty Ducks?” I actually watched it recently and was reminded of the fact that time has flown by and I really am getting old. Worse still, I can’t find this clip anywhere on YouTube. There’s a scene in the movie where the Ducks are beginning to understand how to play hockey and their coach, played by Emilio Estivez, is shouting out “More fun, more fun.”
Every month, we compile a company newsletter and one component of that is a list of all of the great feedback from customers for that month. As I’m sitting here thinking about this past month I think my favorite moment had to do with the image of one of our representatives Tyler asking for a fruit cup. If you missed it, click here for the back story. What I love about that image is the sense of our team working together and having fun. If we can’t find a way to have fun with our teams and with our customers we’re not going to last long in this profession.
The other thing I realized this month is that I love to receive awesome feedback from customers about multiple representatives. All kudos are awesome but teamwork kudos are topped with awesome sauce. It shows that we are doing something right as a team. It shows that a customer can call multiple times and reliably receive awesome customer service. So I slightly change what Emilio said and say “More fun, more teamwork!”