Unforeseen Convenience

A shameless selfie with my new, favorite piece of technology.
I’ve never considered myself an early adopter of technology. For one, I was by far the last of my friends to get a cell phone and that trend held true when I purchased my first smart phone.
I also have a propensity for running my technology into the ground. For example, I wear a Garmin GPS watch when I run and mine is currently going on eight years. It’s been a fantastic watch but it doesn’t connect to the Internet or allow me to snap a selfie when I upload my latest workout. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, right?
Keep that in mind when I tell you about my newest piece of technology — a smart garage door opener. On the recommendation of a good friend, I purchased a Chamberlain opener with the MyQ Smart Home technology and discovered convenience I never knew I needed. Allow me to share a few of my favorite features.
Wireless Keypad
Opening and closing the garage door with a wireless keypad mounted outside means that I don’t have to carry a house key when I take the dog for a walk or run. The other day it was raining and I dried the wet dog, and myself, in the garage before entering the house.
Mobile App
The novelty of being able to open my garage door from a mobile app hasn’t quite worn off yet. Among the more practical uses, I can check my phone from anywhere that I have internet access to confirm whether or not the garage is open. This has already come in handy multiple times.
Backup Battery
I purchased a model with a backup battery, and admittedly wouldn’t have done so if it weren’t the law in the State of California. But, in the event of a power outage, it’s good to know that I can still automatically open the garage door.
The Point
The point of this post isn’t to sell you a garage door opener — though I do have a solid recommendation for you, if you’re in the market.
The point here is the highlight and observe the way a new product has made my life easier. When it comes to customer experience, innovation means continuing to evaluate the customer journey and finding ways give customers convenience beyond their wildest dreams — and the Internet continues to open up worlds of possibility.
In the daily Customer Experience Question of the Day (#CXQOTD) for April 13, I shared how this product has made my life easier and asked others in the CX community to do the same. Watch my video below and then share your own thoughts, either with a video tweet or a comment, on how a product aids your own thinking about customer experience.
The #CXQOTD for April 13:
“What product makes your life easier and how does this aid your thinking about #cx?”
Shout out to @chamberlain!!!
@jwdcombs @esmancuso @CXpert @RichardK_Poly @stephaniethum @jeanniecw pic.twitter.com/7SWTlgVKQL
— Jeremy Watkin (@jtwatkin) April 13, 2020